Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Horrible bosses!

This post is in part inspired by the forthcoming film of the same name, and in part by my current, urgent need to vent before I commit murder.

I've been fortunate enough to work for some brilliant bosses in my career so far, but I've also had the misfortune to have 2 who have both been equally breakdown inducing in different ways.

My last boss was female and the same age as me. She had been promoted from a role on my level (which she was no doubt incredibly good at) to managing a team of 3 and from the word go it was a nightmare. Suddenly on a power high but with no clue how to turn that power to good she was like a maniacal nursery teacher on the final of the apprentice, swinging from being your nicey nicey bestest friend who treats everything with kid gloves to a psycho bitch from hell who once gave me a formal warning (and I'm seriously not kidding on this) for breathing too loudly.

My current boss could not be more unlike my last. But, surprisingly, this isn't a good thing. Instead of the meticulous micromanagement and strict to the nearest second deadlines I'm faced with someone who sits on ANYTHING I send him, no matter how important, for months on end, despite my constant reminders, then forgets completely/loses them/sends them to the wrong email, and I have to start the whole process again from the beginning. Oh and then drops deadlines on me with an hours notice to turn them around. Which obviously means I never manage to get anything done as I'm constantly waiting/nagging/filling in a spreadsheet at the last minute.

Oh and he makes a mess of the kitchen and (shared) bathroom. Vom.

*prays I win the Euromillions tonight*...

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